Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Cool school news

Obviously last week was Justin and Kyle's spring break. Just prior to that they got their 3rd quarter report cards. With only one quarter left, Justin has nothing but A's on his report card! He also received three awards: perfect attendance, certificate of achievement from his teacher for his grades and being a great example, and once again, the principal's award for having the best grades in his class. Just awesome!

Kyle continues to be WAY above his grade level in reading. He also meets and exceeds the standards for all of his subjects. His teacher commented that Kyle is enthusiastic and a good role model. More importantly, while we were out of town, we received a letter in the mail from the school. It was a recommendation for Kyle to join the challenge program in our school district when he begins 2nd grade in the fall! His only concern is that he will have to go to a different school. However, I think he's excited about it being accelerated. Needless to say, Jason and I are consenting to it and congratulate him! We know he'll do well.

1 comment:

tozercat said...

I have the smartest grandkids!! You should be very proud of both your boys. Dad and I certainly are! I can't believe no one told me Kyle was accepted into Challenge. (Jason, don't even tell me you told Dad. You know he never tells me anything!!!!)