Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Justin is 9 years old today!!! I'm not sure how that happened. It feels like he was just born. We've been through a lot in the last nine years, but I still can't believe that much time has gone by! And while I don't want my sons to grow up as quickly as they are, at the same time it's kind of nice. Not only do we have a flexibility with them that you don't have with babies or toddlers, like leaving the house without a diaper bag or having to be home for nap times, but Jason and I can see that our sons are turning out to be terrific people. Justin is always getting comments from his teachers about what a great role model he is, and he's used for examples in the classroom. That may sound geeky, but he also has a lot of friends and is very helpful at the same time. He is very genuine. He came home one day in the fall and told me that he got to choose a game for the class to play during free time as a reward for his teacher catching him being helpful. He told me that he wasn't sure what he did, but Miss Conklin said he was helpful. While I was proud, I wasn't surprised. I explained to him that he is often helpful and doesn't know it, what's important is that his teacher witnessed it. As parents, Jason and I sometimes pat ourselves on the back for these things, but Justin is at the age where he makes his own choices, especially while at school. And he chooses to be an excellent human being. I could sit here and go on ALL day about my kids (with these tears in my eyes), but I should move on.

Anyway, happy 9th birthday, Justin! Mom-mom loves you!!!!

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