Thursday, July 17, 2008

Happy 60th birthday to my dad!!!

July 18, 2008 is my dad's 60th birthday. I'm always surprised by how fast time goes by. I remember when my dad was 30! I was only 5, but I honestly remember it. Now he's 60! I'm glad to say that he's a young 60. He still works full-time (reluctantly) and he's healthy and active. My dad has always been a great man. He worked very hard when I was younger to provide for his family. He told bad jokes that I'll never forget, helped me with fractions homework, and offered advice. My dad is one of the smartest people I know! When I was little I asked him how he knows so much and he told me it's because he goes through life with his eyes open.
Although I'm adult with my own family, my dad is still always there when I need help or advice, someone to talk to or share news with, or to spend time with his grandsons and tell them his bad jokes.
My dad is not only my dad, but my friend. I'm thankful for our relationship, for him, and the time we spend together!
Happy birthday Daddy from your Kittykat! I love you!!!

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