Sunday, May 10, 2009

The chairs in which we sat

Friday was a sad day for my mom and I. Our favorite Starbucks was closed for good. It was one of the older stores and didn't have a drive-thru. We were told they weren't bringing in enough money. Well maybe they shouldn't have opened so many new stores a couple years ago. There is a new one that opened a little over a year ago about a mile from our old one with a drive-thru. My mom and I were all excited about it at first, but after going there once or twice we went back to the old one. We missed our chairs and familiar faces.

This is a picture of our favorite chairs. They were kind of gross, but very comfortable. This is where we sat on most Tuesday and Wednesday mornings for the last two years. And this is me with "T" (Taneshia) our favorite barista. Her smile brightened up the whole place. We know the location she's being transferred to, so we'll be going there to visit her on Tuesdays!

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