Sunday, May 24, 2009

Kyle's news

Last night after the party, we came home and Jason went to bed (he has to turn in early on Saturdays since he gets up at 4am for work on Sundays). Shortly after that, Kyle decided one of his teeth was ready to come out. He's had two that have been pretty loose for the last week. Kyle has never removed his own tooth, I've pulled the last four. He told me it hurt when I moved this one so he wanted to do it himself and he did! When it came out, he showed it to me in the tissue. I told him I was proud of him. Then the drama came (typical for Kyle). He said, "I'm so happy I'm gonna cry!" He sat on the couch crying his eyes out for a minute. But there was no crying this morning when he showed me the $5 the tooth fairy left.
The new hole in Kyle's mouth is the on the bottom on his right side.

1 comment:

Joanne said...

Congratulations Carl...I knew on Thursday that it was really loose. Good Job, Love You Lots, Grandma