Monday, August 24, 2009

Back to school

Today was the first day of school for Justin and Kyle. Justin returned as a 5th grader and Kyle as a 2nd grader. I'm such a proud mom, but I can't get over how fast time has gone and how big they're getting!

Justin is already excited that at the end of the year the 5th graders get to go on a big field trip to Navy Pier. The elementary school that Justin attends is attached to a middle school. Because the elementary school is so full, Justin's classroom is IN the middle school. He thinks that's cool.

Kyle started at a different school this year just down the street from Justin's. Kyle was invited to begin the district's challenge program this year which is only available at certain schools. He's not nervous about the accelerated learning (I think he's happy about that), but was a little nervous that he wouldn't know anyone in his class. Fortunately, he already knows a few of his classmates.

Today was a short day for them, but it went well. Hopefully the whole year will go smoothly!

1 comment:

Tony said...

Some kind of neo-skunk thing going there.

Geez Roman!

Well he's got the hair.