Monday, June 9, 2008

Kyle's kindergarten graduation (sniff, sniff)

Today was a big day for Kyle. He is officially a first grader! The graduation ceremony was cute. He and his class had matching shirts with each child's portrait on it (they all drew pictures of their heads for the shirt - Kyle's looks like a pineapple cause of his hair). They sang songs and then received certificates of completion. His teacher, Mrs. Lopez, announced that they are now ready to move on to first grade. She held back her tears for the sake of the kids.
Afterwards, they had a "picnic" lunch. The principal grilled hot dogs for the graduates. They also served chips and drinks. Due to the questionable weather we stayed in the cafeteria for lunch. Then went out to the playground until it began to rain. Before we left, Kyle and I gave Mrs. Lopez a hug and wished her a good summer.
Justin's last day of school is tomorrow (he has to go for and hour and a half). After that we have to get some fun summer stuff done. Before we know it, it'll be time to go back to school!

1 comment:

jason said...

My little boy isn't so little anymore!