Sunday, October 26, 2008

Countdown to Halloween, day two

Today we have the pumpkins and the clowns. As long as I could get away with it, I had the boys wear matching or coordinating costumes. These are some of the cutest! I wished Kyle could've been a smaller pumpkin, but it didn't work out that way. On his first Halloween, he was 10 months old. Justin was three and a half. Kyle didn't even go trick-or-treating that year because it was so cold and windy.
Have you ever seen such cute little clowns? Kyle was close to two years old, so he was walking around. The fall of 2003 was a rough one for my family. My grandma had just suffered from a couple strokes and had gone into the nursing home. Even worse than that, my grandpa passed away that year on October 8th. Somehow, my mom found the time and energy to make these colorful costumes for her grandsons. Justin just loved that wig!

1 comment:

Joanne said...

Nice things you said Kat...I love you!