Friday, February 20, 2009

Yay for my mom! (and me, too)

The shoulder that my mom dislocated 6 weeks ago is officially healed! She had her last appointment with the orthopedist today. Earlier this week her physical therapist had told her that she had full range of motion in that arm, so she had a good idea she would be released. So I congratulate my mom on a job well done! I know it was important to her to get her arm back to normal and she worked really hard at therapy to do so.

As for me and my pneumonia, I feel about 80% better than I did two days ago. And that's excellent considering just how bad I felt on Wednesday! Antibiotics are one of the greatest discoveries ever made! I also rested a lot and drank MANY ounces of water and Gatorade. At this point I feel like a have a mild cold. My cough is going away and I don't feel like I'm going to pass out which is nice. I'll continue to take it easy for another day or two to ensure a full recovery.

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