Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Back to bragging

The boys are about 5 weeks into the new school year, so it's time I started bragging again. This is a picture of Justin's first science test of the year. As you can see, he really knows his Living Things. He was really interested in cells and their make-up. Everyday after school he would talk about it on the way home. The other picture is a little certificate he brought home from school today. (You can click on the picture to enlarge it and read what it says.) Miss G. isn't Justin's teacher, but a student teacher that is in their classroom for twelve weeks. She just turned 22 a few weeks ago, now she's the same age as me! Ha, ha.
Kyle is currently the "Friend of the Week" in his class. He had to write a paper about himself to read aloud to his classmates, complete a poster with pictures of him and his family (and pets), and on Friday, Jason will be spending some time in his classroom.
Stay tuned, I'm sure I'll have more to brag about soon!

1 comment:

Joanne said...

Good Job Justin and Kyle also cuz' Grandma knows you are excellent students. I love you lots, Grandma