Monday, September 29, 2008

ISAT results

I knew it wouldn't be long before I was bragging again! In the mail today, we received the results of Justin's 3rd grade ISAT (Illinois Standards Achievement Test). He took these tests in spring 2008. This picture is of the first page, which shows that he exceeds the states standards in reading and math performance. How awesome is that? They provided a detailed explanation of the graph and also provided national comparisons. Justin's national percentile rank in reading is 95% and in math it is 97%!!!!! He's barely even on the percentile chart for his weight, so it's nice to see how high he is on these charts!


Anonymous said...

We got our results yesterday too for Jamie, Julia and Zoe. Jamie's scores were identical to Justin's. Zoe got 99 in both reading and math. Julia got 99 in reading but only 67 or something like that for math. I was a little alarmed by that, but it was well within the 'meets standard' range and she has an A in math right now, so I guess we're good. I think it's awesome that our kids are all so smart.

jason said...

Yet another reason to be a proud daddy. I have genius children! BTW...what's up with Donna's name up there?