Monday, September 15, 2008

The grass is always greener

After the hurricane passes over us. It feels like we've had non-stop rain for the last week. I think there was a small break in between the hurricanes, but there were a few days where it rained the ENTIRE day!!! I know that what hit us was mild, but so many clouds make life gloomy and now we have to deal with the flooding. However, the grass looks fantastic! We didn't have much rain over the summer, so even with fertilizer and sprinklers the grass didn't look very good. Not to mention the area around our playset where the "army game" mostly took place when school was out. The grass there was completely flattened. After a lot of rain (and kids in school) it has recovered. I'm really looking forward to mowing this week. I can just picture the well defined lines there will be afterwards from the lawn mower. One of the little things in life that I find extremely rewarding! I admit, I'm an odd sort of person. I love to vacuum, and I feel that mowing the grass is like vacuuming the carpet. Okay, that's enough about me for now.

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