Monday, January 26, 2009

2nd quarter report cards

They did it again! Justin and Kyle brought home excellent report cards today! I'm sure some parents dread report card day. Jason and I love it!
Like last quarter, Justin got straight A's. He was very confident that he would. Good to know he's meeting his goals.
Kyle gets that weird report card. He had 8 E's and 9 M's on his (E=Exceeds the grade level, M=Meets the grade level). As for Kyle's reading level, his number is a 28, the benchmark for a 1st grader at this point in the school year is an 8. This is the comment Kyle's teacher wrote: "Kyle continues to be a terrific student. We will continue to give him individual reading instruction based on his high ability. He is a true asset to our class." How nice is that?
I couldn't be more proud of them!

1 comment:

jason said...

Aren't they amazing? One day I know I'll miss the time when they were little boys, but at the same time I can' wait to see what great men they'll turn out to be. They sure are on the right track so far.